New Things This Week
Updated December 7, 1997

I've been somewhat swamped at work, so the page has not been updated recently. Last Thursday we sent a new release off to a CD-ROM place; they're going to make 300 copies for us to distribute. By Friday morning I knew of two bugs on the CD. I found another today. I want to start a betting pool at Empire on the number of serious errors which we will know about when the completed CD-ROMs arrive, which should be January 2, 1998.

But I have had time to scan a few more photos... new on this page is the complete Roll C152, taken September/October 1997. Shots are of Elizabeth, Leah, Dan, Chelsea, Charles, Sandra, Yvonne, Meghan, Beth, Anne, Carie, Mom, and Squeak. Enjoy.

I also changed the Other Page.

Here are some smilies. Most of them are defined here.